No more identity


Papua is a region belonging to Indonesia, rich in forests, rivers, resources and tribal populations who have inhabited these lands since time immemorial. In recent years the local authorities, to exploit the resources that these lands offer, and to remove the tribes from their territories, have started a work of "persuasion" to entice the local populations to modernize and renounce their "difficult and primitive" tribal life. Along the river communication routes, which wind like labyrinths in the jungle, numerous "modern" villages were born, with wooden houses, clothing and food shops, churches and other aggregation structures, as well as for the production of electricity with generators diesel. Over time, the various local tribes were given addictive products, such as cigarettes, alcohol, battery-operated torches, and food such as poultry or readily available snacks and drinks, encouraging these populations to move into these new settlements with the prospect of a life easier and more comfortable. Most of the products periodically arrive in the used outlets and are sometimes given for free and sometimes given in exchange for something, since the tribes do not have their own currency or an alternative to buy the products. As a result, individuals and tribal families who have accepted this change of life, often due to an addiction to the new products available, find themselves in a limbo, where they are no longer tribes but not even citizens, sometimes they do not know the Indonesian language with which to communicate, the behaviors to adopt and above all they do not have real social independence, finding themselves no longer having an identity. Furthermore, given the lack of organization and civic education, the waste products used, which until a few years ago were completely natural given the contribution of resources offered by the jungle, are giving way to packaging, plastic, cans and batteries spent, which at the end of the cycle of use are thrown onto the ground and into rivers, creating a significant increase in pollution in once virgin areas.


Waiting for Dalai Lama