If you love some of my photographs, contact me for info and my availability for exhibitions.

Thank you.

"Quantum Leap" is a long-term, continuously updated project, born from my desire to select the travel photographs that have been most appreciated both by myself and by critics in recent years, as they represent a cross-section of our planet.

These shots are the result of chance encounters that occurred while I was in the right place at the right time, together with the inhabitants of these places.

Taking inspiration from a fiction television series from the 80s, through a series of leaps between places, moments, people and cultures that sometimes seem to be out of time, I want to talk about the beauty of our planet, the encounters and the people with whom, even just for a few moments, I had a "connection", identifying myself with them and trying to grasp their "essence", because I love to say that "I see nations through people's eyes".

This project and the images selected here may have a subtle link or a profound contradiction between them but first and foremost they represent documents of life and emotions which, with leaps between one place and another, have the aim of uniting the population of our only planet.

Thank you.

Portraits - Quantum Leap